Monday, March 9, 2015

Our Little Mermaid

So...I know I post often about her swim lessons...but I cannot stress enough how much she LOVES swimming, the pool, water in general!! She gets so excited every time we even mention the words swimming or pool.  So excited, in fact, that she has developed what we have deemed her "excited face."  She make it every time she gets really excited about something, which is usually the prospect of going swimming.  Here it is in all its glory:

Last week, while Mommy and Daddy were at work, Mimi was babysitting and Sloane spied her bathing suit hanging in the bathroom. She proceeded to make her "excited face" and Mimi told her that she would get to go swimming later, after her nap.  Sloane promptly walked over to her crib and tried to climb in. She figured the sooner she took a nap the sooner she could go swimming, never mind that it was 8:00 in the morning. This pretty much sums up exactly the excitement in this house about swimming!

Here is her "standing up in my bikini excited face:"

 Daddy got a new phone and with that a new waterproof case...thus, underwater pics!  
So excited to see her smiling underwater too!

The pool is her happy place.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little mermaid! You get better and better in the water with each lesson. We love your "excited" face!
