Saturday, October 24, 2015

Sloanie Bear Visits the Doctor

Sloane visited the doctor for her two year old wellness appointment right after she turned two.  The doctor has been a difficult destination ever since she turned one and had the ability to remember and associate the doctor with getting shots.  We were fully prepared for a fairly unpleasant experience...but ended up being pleasantly surprised by her calm, sweet demeanor and no tears bravery when she had to get a shot!  She was handsomely rewarded with a trip to get frozen yogurt!
 Very excited about her special "dress" and seeing Dr. Wu!  
At 24 months Sloane weighs in at 24 pounds and stands 32 inches tall.
 Post appointment fro yummy!

1 comment:

  1. Great job at the doctor's Sloane. Not sure why Mommy and Daddy were a little worried about how you might react, they should know you ARE a big two now! Very nice of Dr. Wu to prescribe yummy yogart for your after visit prescription.
