Sunday, March 23, 2014

First Solids

We gave Sloane her first taste of solid food this week.  What did we give her??? Avocado...and I think she liked what small part of it actually made it into her mouth.  The photos say it all:

This is delicious!

 Can I get an Amen?

 Just can't get I'll eat the place mat.
And I think this about sums it up:
PS...I finally gave in to social media and joined Instagram...and did I mention that I'm totally obsessed:

So...if you need a daily fix of this little lady you can follow me at jennviora


  1. Isn't avocado good? Wait until you taste guacamole!!

  2. You finally got to grab something to go right to your mouth that was for eating. Looks like avacado was a hit. Next step, grabbing a napkin!
